Sunday, December 24, 2006

Books that mention the Names

Bismillah irahman irahim

La ilaha IllAllahu Muhammadur Rasullullahi
Sallallahu Ta'ala alayhi
wa 'ala alihi
wa as-haibihi
wa azwajihi
wa dhurriyati ajmaeen

The names of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) are found in the Qur'an, hadith and other books of knowledge. Here are the books that I have found:

  1. Qur'an al-Kareem
  2. Sahih al-Bukhari: kitab al-asma' al-nabi; kitab al-manaqib, bab al-asma' al-nabi
  3. Muslim, kitab al-fadai'l, bab al-asma' al-nabi
  4. Tirmidhi, kitab al-adab, bab al-asma' al-nabi
  5. Mustadrak Hakim, kitab al-tarikh, btab al-asma' al-nabi
  6. Dala'il al-Khayrat, titled al-Dalalat of Imam al-Jazuli (d. 870), in which he mentioned various recensions to date
  7. Ah.san al-Wasa'il fi Naz.mi Asma'i al-Nabiyyi al-Kamil ("The Best Means in Versifying the Names of the Perfect Prophet"), in three hundred verses, in print of Shaykh Yusuf ibn Isma`il al-Nabhani. He provided the most comprehensive documentation of the Prophetic names to date. The Qad.i wrote a brief history of the compilations of the Prophetic Names in his introduction to his commentary on al-Jazuli's Dala'il al-Khayrat titled al-Dalalat in which he mentioned various recensions to date :-
  8. Al-Shifa of Al-Qad.i 'Iyad. , his superlative masterpiece
  9. Ibn Dihiyyah's commentary on the names of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)
  10. Al-Fajr al-Munir of Al-Fakihani
  11. Abu 'Imran al-Zanati's compendium of 201 names
  12. Al-H.ada'iq fi Asma'i Khayr al-Khala'iq of Al-Suyut.i which contains over 300 names
  13. Al-Riyad. al-Aniqa fi Asma'i Khayr al-Khaliqa of Al-Suyut.i which lists sources for the H.ada'iq
  14. Al-Bahjat al-Saniyya of Al-Suyut.i which contains 500 names
  15. Aridat al-ahwadhi 10:281 of Imam Abu Bakr Ibn al-'Arabi, his commentary on Tirmidhi
  16. Al-Qawl al-Badi' fil-S.alat 'alal-H.abib al-Shafi' of Al-Sakhawi which contains 450 names
  17. Al-Mawahib al-Laduniyya of Al-Qast.allani in which he relied on al-Sakhawi
  18. Sharh. al-Mawahib of Al-Zarqani which contains over 800 names
  19. Ah.san al-Wasa'il in verse and Al-Asma fima li-Rasulillahi min al-Asma in prose with 830 names of Al-Nabhani
  20. Asma al-Nabi al-Karim of Shaykh Barkat Ali Ludhianvi (rahimullah), a 5 volume masterpiece which lists over 1400. It is a trilingual Arabic-English-Urdu recension was recently published in the United Kingdom.

List of books of asma an Nabi found here


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